All testimonials are by real people and may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.
Grow Me Consumer Study
*Claims data based on a study of 104 Females and 18 Males using a blank label unbranded bottle of Grow Me Shampoo 4 times per week for 3 months. Full report available on requested to Dr's and Government departments only.
This shampoo is amazing .I've always had very fine hair but I thought I'll try this shampoo and it does what it's says I'm 60 the first time my hair is thicker and it's growing .so if your thinking about buying it do it ..
Kate B (England, United Kingdom)
Lash perfect
Best mascara! Saved my lashes through menopause and so easy to remove. So pleased I found your brand.
Tracey (England, United Kingdom)
I've used so many different mascaras to try and thicken my thinning lashes and this is by far the best. A bit more pricey than alot of mascaras but worth every penny. I won't be wasting any more money on brands that dont work!
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